micelio testimonials

What Clients Say

We at Micelio are proud to have supported innovative clean mobility startups to advance from ideation to development. Our mission is to revolutionize the way the world moves by enabling the growth of these startups. Don’t just take our word for it, hear from our satisfied customers on how we have helped them bring their ideas to life and contribute to a sustainable future.

Micelio Testimonials

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Earth Ride has been a member of Micelio Studio for a Year and it has been very beneficial for us. As an Electric Vehicle Leasing company and building an EV Ecosystem, it is necessary for us to connect with all players in the ecosystem. Micelio Studios has been a great facilitator for that. We have made strong connections via the network. We have also benefited from the member meetups where industry experts have helped a small startup like our’s gain deep knowledge of the industry and technology.

Dhairya Gupta

Founder and CEO, Earth Ride

Video Testimonials

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